Tuesday, February 19, 2013

If you are happy and you know it....

 I like to think that Kids@The Studio offers a morning of stimulation and good ideas for moms and their little ones but mostly a place to chat and have a good time.
 Today it started to rain as everyone was arriving. Keeping 7 little ones busy and dry on a rainy day is quite a thing:)

 Hats , hats and more hats. This little man is holding part of a milk bottle. The ither part to this is a newspaper ball used for catching and throwing.

 A few weeks ago we did box stacking and this has remained a firm favourite.

 Time to cook. We made pizza today with the moms and grannies and helpers all getting stuck in. Yum!!
 Printing is a fun painting activity . it is a real skill to push the printing object down and then pick it up and a real temptation to paint with it instead:) This little man painted his face too.

 This little man was a real little chef. His mom cooks with him a lot and so he could help grate some cheese.
 For the sensory tray ( in the rainy , damp outside area) we have jelly of all sorts of colours. Yum!
 Play dough birthday cake is always a hit. Play dough is a wonderful and relaxing thing for children to roll and pat and squish. A simple recipe is as follows......

Play dough recipe that works

2 cups flour
1 cup salt
2 cups water
food colouring
2 table spoons for cooking oil.
4 teaspoon cream of tartar
cook over a low heat until all the dough sticks together in a ball in the middle of the pot. Take it out ( be careful. It is hot). Roll it and knead it until it is wonderful and elastic. Keep in a sealed container in the fridge.
 Here are the children's finished pizzas. All ready to be eaten and enjoyed. The pizza recipe is one I took of the internet and I made the dough in my bread maker. The recipe is really simple and we use tomato paste and then cheddar cheese for the topping. A firm fav with my own children and we often make these at parties.

Pizza Dough Recipe - for a bread maker

1 1/2 cups water
2 teaspoons sugar
1 1/4 salt
2 table spoons olive oil
3 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsps yeast

 We also made some giant body shape pictures. These are really wonderful.
I have an architect friend who keeps me all her old plans which are on large paper. Thanks Georgie!!
'I am tired now and really want to go home but I will sit and relax with my pizza.'

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